How to Stop Worrying About Money: 5 Tips

This post shows you how to not worry about money!

Do you find yourself in a constant state of anxiety due to lack of money? It’s time to change your mindset to transform your reality and your life.

I am a firm believer that money does buy happiness. But only after you change your mindset and how you think about it.

Because lying in bed worrying about how much of it you don’t have doesn’t do anything.

After my college graduation, I knew I would have debt. I was $35,000 in the hole and struggling with no job in sight.

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For many women, these feelings bring guilt, shame, or a sense of failure.

But I wish I could’ve told “little me” that worrying about money wasn’t necessary—or even helpful.

Because even wealthy people worry about money, albeit in a different way.

But when you operate from a state of lack, you repel money. You repel everything.

It’s hard at first, but if you want to know how to not worry about money, you’ll have to shift your mindset toward feminine creativity, manifestation, and abundance.

This isn’t about ignoring financial realities—it’s about facing them with confidence, creativity, and trust in yourself.

Why Worrying About Money is Unhelpful

When you operate from lack or scarcity mindset, you operate from a state of survival.

Worrying about money feels productive. It gives the illusion that you are tackling the problem.

But the act of worrying keeps your brain hyper-focused on fear instead of finding the creative solutions to your problems.

Fear also attracts negativity. The energy you put out matters! When you’re stressed, you’re likely to attract more situations that confirm your fears. Your thoughts will reflect your outer world.

When your reality feels unsafe, it creates unneeded stress like stress and anxiety. This leads to headaches, lack of sleep, and a weakened immune system.

See how powerful our thoughts are? You can literally worry yourself sick. Imagine using that energy to achieve abundance?

Practical Tips to Help You Not Worry About Money

  1. Write down your expenses. Tracking your spending is the first step. Write it down or download an app and connect your bank.
  2. Automate your savings. Every payday, have comfort in watching your financial nest egg grow even if it’s little as $5.
  3. Explore your options. Talk with a financial counselor at your job or a community resource. They can help you devise an actionable plan.
  4. Surround yourself with community. I can’t stand Dave Ramsey but a group of people following his method on Facebook really kept me motivated in my debt pay off journey. Community works!
  5. Forgive Yourself. Shame, guilt, sadness, it’s a waste of time. Now that you know better, let’s change your reality!

How to Not Worry About Money: 5 Creative Mindset Techniques

1 Visualize Your Financial Life and Take Actionable Steps to Be in Alignment

Spend 5–10 minutes a day to imagine what financial freedom looks like for you. Be clear. When I finally decided to pay off my student loans, I told myself three things:

1) I still wanted to be able to travel and go on vacation. I could sacrifice spending in my day to day but I didn’t want to give up seeing the world.

2) I didn’t want to have to look at my bank account or crunch numbers to do it. I hated budgeting myself on vacation. It’s the one time I feel I should be able to splurge.

3) I needed to make enough money where I could still pay off debt and live frugal, but comfortable.

I researched careers, the pros and cons, the lifestyle I craved. Six months later, I quit my job and became a flight attendant! See how feminine creativity works?

If you can picture yourself paying bills effortlessly, enjoying unique experiences, or growing your savings, you can visualize to help manifest the life you desire!

2. Observe Your Inner Thoughts and Learn How to Control Them

As humans, we can be pessimistic creatures. It’s like we’re never satisfied, always looking for the next threat or problem to solve. When it comes to your financial life, money will never solve all of your problems.

Today, you may be thinking how you don’t have enough money. Tomorrow, your business will be doing well and you’ll be worrying about how to not lose it.

It takes practice but train your mind to think in the positive instead of the negative.

At any point in life, we can only do the best we can with what we have. While we are trained to see the risk, you must also train yourself to see opportunities too.

No matter how small, and no matter what circumstances you may be in. Take the first step and the universe will have your back!

3. Practice Feminine Creativity Activities That Teach Abundance

Each night, write down three things you’re grateful for that involve abundance.

It could be as simple as finding a dime on the ground or receiving a compliment. Focusing on what you already have trains your brain to see opportunities instead of scarcity.

Then use your natural creativity to find joy in activities without spending money.

These activities remind you that abundance is about more than money—it’s about creations you manifest into the world.

Do yoga through meditation and caring for one’s own, you are manifesting health and peace into the universe.

Start a container garden no matter where you live. Plants are the perfect way to create naturally and be in tune with spirit.

Become a personal shopper for an elderly or disabled neighbor. Bake a fresh loaf of bread or cake as a surprise.

4. See Money as a Tool Instead of Pure Survival

A system can be defined as simply as “a process that takes inputs and transforms them into different outputs”.

Money is often an Input to a system because it’s simply a method of exchanging one thing for another.

Example: Money can be converted into labor, and that labor can perform a specific process designed to spit out an outcome that you desire.

Therefore, money is used something used to fulfill our needs and wants such as safety (house), or health (food), or entertainment (show).

My goals are inner peace, gratitude, deep loving relationships, exploring intellectual curiosities, enjoying art, and gardening.

Figure out what your wants and needs out of life and then decide if money will get you there. If so, find ways to accelerate getting more of it.

Which leads me to my last point.

5. Harness Your Inner Goddess Energy and Use Your Creativity to Make More Money

To have more money, you have to reduce your expenses or increase your income.

It’s that simple.

With inflation, economic volatility and layoffs, budgeting and saving isn’t going to cut it anymore.

The good news is, money is everywhere. This is where your creativity sets in.

How do you see yourself servicing the world? Take inventory of yourself. What are your strengths? What do people come to you for advice about?

If you have a phone and Internet, you can make money.

For example, my talent is writing. If I lost my job tomorrow, this is what I would do:

1. Get on Facebook and tell everyone I know I am holding a free Career Masterclass for how to optimize their LinkedIn to get a job.

2. Go over basic tips on how to network and use LinkedIn effectively, and how optimizing your profile means you don’t even have to apply for a job sometimes.

3. At the end of the class, offer my resume writing services, digital product etc. at a family and friend discount at 50% in exchange for referrals or positive reviews.

And that’s it!

Instead of worrying how you’re going to make money, focus on what industry or niche you need to tap into.

  • What problems can you solve for people?
  • What pain points are you easing?

Once you figure out how to offer value through solving problems, the money will easily come flowing back to you!

This Post Has Shown You How Not to Worry About Money!

Worrying about money won’t solve your struggles, but creativity, manifestation, and abundance can help you find peace and solutions.

Remember, abundance is about more than what’s in your bank account—it’s about how you choose to see and create the world around you.

Start today, and watch how your energy transforms your financial journey!

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